
Funded Projects

Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, provides federal resources for homeless services through its Continuum of Care Program.

Application for funding is made through the Continuum, which completes an annual application package to HUD on behalf of all the projects in the community. The Center for Family Resources serves as the Collaborative Applicant for the GA-506 Marietta/Cobb CoC and prepares the consolidated application. HUD requires that project applications submitted to the CoC for inclusion as part of the CoC Consolidated Application are reviewed and either accepted and ranked or rejected by the CoC.

Description of Projects

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is permanent housing in which housing assistance (e.g., long-term leasing or rental assistance) and supportive services are provided to assist households with at least one member (adult or child) with a disability in achieving housing stability.

Funded Organizations

The Center For Family Resources

Currently funded projects: Rapid Re-Housing, CoC Planning & Cobb HMIS

MUST Ministries

Currently funded projects: Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Coordinated Entry and Assessment

The Extension

Currently funded projects: Transitional Housing

LiveSafe Resources

Currently funded projects: Joint Transitional and Rapid Re-Housing & Transitional Housing

Highland Rivers Behavioral Health

Currently funded projects: Permanent Supportive Housing